Products & Services
  • WOU Gear: Clothing, hats, imprinted merchandise, and fan-wear
  • Textbooks
  • School and office supplies
  • Art supplies
  • Electronics and computer accessories (flash drives, headphones, camera memory cards, converters, cables, speakers, etc.)
  • Phone accessories (phone covers, converters, chargers, etc.)
  • Backpacks and bags
  • Calendars, journals, gift cards, and stationary
  • General books for personal reading and reference by special order
  • Health and beauty items
  • Assorted candy and snacks

  • Faxing We can send and receive personal and business faxes from our Customer Service area for $1/every 3 pages. Our fax number is 503-838-8669.
  • Graduation Regalia Starting at the end of March, we carry caps, gowns, general announcements, and other graduation related products for purchase in the store. Students can try on a gown if desired and look at samples of some of Jostens product offerings.
  • Movie Tickets Why pay $10.25 for a ticket to the Independence Cinema, when you can pay $7.00 with us? Ask at the register for movie tickets, and save big time!
  • Bookstore Vouchers If you have not yet received your financial aid but need to purchase books and supplies, you may be eligible for a Bookstore Voucher! Read here for details.
  • Online Textbook Ordering Avoid all the hassle and frenzy at the beginning of the term by ordering your textbooks online! We can hold your order for pick-up in the store at no additional cost, or we can ship them for a fee.
  • Rental Program We offer various textbooks, TI-84 calculators, response clickers, and more as rentals. Pay a fraction of the cost and return the book at the end of the term! Read more about our Rental Program.
  • Special Ordering Books If there is a particular book you are desiring to purchase, whether for personal or academic use, we can special order it to arrive here at the store at no additional cost to you. Special orders usually take only a couple of days to arrive, but it can take up to a week if the book is coming from a distant warehouse. To place an order, call us at 503-838-8300, email us, or swing by our Customer Service area in the bookstore. If you have the ISBN of the resource you want, please let us know. Otherwise, we will need the title, author, and edition if applicable.
  • Special Ordering Office or Art Supplies Is there a particular school or art supply you are looking to purchase for classes or personal use that we do not have in the store? Contact our Art and Office Supply Buyer, Teresa Pearson, to learn about options for special ordering what you need.